Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Micellar Waters: Tried & Tested

Unless you have been hiding under a rock for the last few months, you will most likely have heard about micellar water. Pronounced  "me-sellaire", the French brand Bioderma was the first one I came to know of over a year ago. However since then, bloggers and YouTubers have also been raving about one high street brand or another that has introduced this latest make-up remover/cleansing product to their line.
I am ashamed to admit that before I came across micellar water, I was a fan of good old baby wipes to take off my face at the end of the day. I'm not talking about a once in a blue moon type thing, after a few too many drinks, when wipes are the only conceivable option. Let's face it, after a night on the vino, removing any scrap of make-up at all deserves a high five, how you do it is irrelevant. No, in my case I am, WAS a lazy sod when it came to my skin care routine. I'm not going to pretend that I am a whole lot better, however now in my household, baby wipes are for the baby, kids and removing make-up swatches from the back of my hand. The new and (slightly) improved me, uses my new skin care favourite product to wipe away the grime before bed.
As someone who has very sensitive skin, the fact that there is no alcohol in this product meant I could confidently work my way through a range of different brands without caution. Regardless of which brand I have tried, I haven't been left with a stinging face or eyes.
So which brands have I tried and tested? Well, not a whole lot as I found my perfect brand early on in my mission to find the one for me. I began with L'Oreal's Skin Perfection Micellar Water, followed by Nivea's 3 in 1 Cleansing Water and ended with Garnier's version of the product.

Dipping my toes into the adult world of appropriate skin care, L'Oreal's water was a nice place to start.

There was no redness or discomfort during the removal process. My only dislke was that my face felt a little tight afterwards (and I do mean only a little), though nothing a moisturiser didn't sort out. I happily finished the bottle before moving onto the next brand. And that was...

Nivea. As a fan of their moisturisers I looked forward to giving this one a go and I wasn't dissappointed.

As with the L'Oreal one, there were no downsides when using the product and there was no taut feeling once I'd finished either. In fact, I would say my face felt like it had a layer of protective film over it and the feeling of clean skin and moisture felt comforting.

My journey ended with the Garnier Micellar Water.

It was the only one out of all three that gave me a sensation whilst using, and not a good one I might add. It wasn't bad or awful by any means, however given how the other brands felt on my face, I just didn't like the mild tingly feeling it gave  me, nor the tightness of the skin I was left with when done. I also found that my face became a tad red in appearance too so I didn't even get half way through this product, never mind finish the bottle.

After seeing the results of the Garnier brand, I realised how well the Nivea 3 in 1 Cleansing Micellar Water worked for me and haven't looked back since. 

The only thing that can tear me away from my favourite make-up remover would be the Bioderma brand. However at around three times the cost to purchase (which is still not expensive for skin care), I'm in no hurry to turn my back on something that works so well for me just yet.

What brand do you use? Let me know!
Lou xxx

Sunday, 5 April 2015

L'Oreal Lumi Magique Primer Review

Since the arrival of baby number three 8 months ago, and surviving on around 5 hours broken sleep a night, my make-up has become more of a mask to hide behind rather than using it to enhance my face. So as someone who is more than happy simply to look human nowadays,  my main priority when searching for a primer, was finding one that would keep my make-up in place, making it long lasting. On my hunt for a new base, I came across the L'Oreal Lumi Magique Primer by chance as it was on special offer so the illuminating quality of the product was neither here nor there for me. Reading other reviews on this item, it has been described as a glow in a bottle. Until recently, the only glow I had considered from a bottle, was that of fake tan as, in my mind, products promising dewy, glowing skin were reserved for teenagers up to the twenty something's. Either that or those blessed with amazing skin. Now I have found that is not the case.

I love this product, not only for its illuminating qualities, as I also mentioned in my February Favourites, but as well as for the moisture it provides. This is great when tackling dull, tired skin as I also find a lack of sleep causes my skin to become dry as well.

Before applying, I shake the bottle then use one pump, putting the primer on the back of my hand and begin doting it around my face. It comes out looking pearlescent, this helps with it's application, making it easier to see where you have put the product and if it is rubbed into the the skin properly. I find it blends easly and absorbs well. On ocassion, I have also mixed in into my foundation which creates a nice effect however I prefer the first method.

Looks wise, the effect is subtle enough, given my fear of all things illuminating, yet brightens up my often lacklustre looking skin. In terms of longevity, my foundation stays put for the day for me allowing me to go about my day without touching up. I would definitely recommend the L'Oreal Magique Primer to anyone looking for a primer and illuminating product combined.

Lou xxx

Friday, 27 February 2015

More Black

For me, there is no such thing as too many pairs of shoes, even if they happen to be mostly black. As you can see from a small selection of my shoes, there was not really much need for any more in this colour, hence my most recent purchase being made with some hesitation.

However, these weren't black on black, they had a teeny tiny bit of something other than my favourite, most showcased colour in my wardrobe. At least, this what what I told myself in order to justify completing at the checkout of ASOS.

So here they are, the latest addition to my shoe collection.

By Monki at ASOS, these are perfect for adding a little bit of height to my 5'4" self and providing something a bit different from all that the rest of my, all black, collection has to offer. These are comfy, great for running around in and look good too. I am happy to say I don't feel in the slightest bit guilty for adding more black to my wardrobe and can't promise there won't be more to follow.

Saturday, 10 January 2015

2015 Let's do this!

So we have made it to the end of the first full week in January and I am so happy to be getting back into a routine again and am feeling like I'm ready to tackle everything head on,  Having entered into a new year, like many others, I have made resolutions and goals which I aim to accomplish in 2015. However as my birthday is eleven days after Christmas, I tend to stay in festive mode a little longer than most so it is only now that I am all for putting my plans into action!

My husband and I decided to write down the things we wish to achieve and put them behind a photo, only looking at them again on New Years Eve 2015. The photo frame is placed somewhere we pass every day, acting as a reminder of what we hope to achieve. I will not be sharing my aspirations with anyone as I believe actions and results speak louder than words, and this way the only pressure I have is from myself.

Making resolutions and not fulfilling them, could make a person feel like a failure. To that, I would say, you have only failed if you give up. We all make mistakes and fall off the wagon. Whether it be a promise to go the gym 3 times a week, not eat chocolate or never be late again, is irrelevant. So you've missed two gym sessions this week, you ate that chocolate bar left over from Christmas (maybe you had another after that) or you've been late at every turn. So what. Yes it's disheartening, but the world hasn't come to an end because you had a small blip. The only thing that causes you to not accomplish your goals is if you continue down that road. Tomorrow is a new day and another chance to start again. If you're finding it tough to stick to your guns, ask yourself what's harder, keeping to your plan or ending the year the same way you started? Disappointment, whilst not the most powerful of words, can be one of the toughest feelings to experience. If you need to enlist the help of a friend or family member then do so, though it's important to remember that you are in charge of your life and no one will make you a priority as much as you would yourself. If you want something, only you can make it happen.

Sometimes I can get caught up in the bad things that happen in my day/life instead of focusing on the good. Whether it's relationships, health, money, career or family, most people tend not to have every box ticked. Remember that whilst you are admiring someone else's life, they could be looking at yours doing the same.  For this reason I have also decided to write down what I am thankful for on a daily basis to remind myself how lucky I am to have the things I do have instead of focusing on what I don't. Positivity breeds postivity and negativity only stands to bring you down whether it be your own thoughts or those around you. Start the day as you mean to go on, doing the best you can.

As I write this blog I am talking to myself as well as others. It is compiled with many common quotes which can seem a little cheesy but they also happen to be true in most instances. Yes some are easier said than done (there I go again) however, brace yourselves, anything worth doing is never easy! On that note, before I leave no motivational saying unturned, I shall wish you a happy new year and good luck in what ever it is you do:)