Saturday, 10 January 2015

2015 Let's do this!

So we have made it to the end of the first full week in January and I am so happy to be getting back into a routine again and am feeling like I'm ready to tackle everything head on,  Having entered into a new year, like many others, I have made resolutions and goals which I aim to accomplish in 2015. However as my birthday is eleven days after Christmas, I tend to stay in festive mode a little longer than most so it is only now that I am all for putting my plans into action!

My husband and I decided to write down the things we wish to achieve and put them behind a photo, only looking at them again on New Years Eve 2015. The photo frame is placed somewhere we pass every day, acting as a reminder of what we hope to achieve. I will not be sharing my aspirations with anyone as I believe actions and results speak louder than words, and this way the only pressure I have is from myself.

Making resolutions and not fulfilling them, could make a person feel like a failure. To that, I would say, you have only failed if you give up. We all make mistakes and fall off the wagon. Whether it be a promise to go the gym 3 times a week, not eat chocolate or never be late again, is irrelevant. So you've missed two gym sessions this week, you ate that chocolate bar left over from Christmas (maybe you had another after that) or you've been late at every turn. So what. Yes it's disheartening, but the world hasn't come to an end because you had a small blip. The only thing that causes you to not accomplish your goals is if you continue down that road. Tomorrow is a new day and another chance to start again. If you're finding it tough to stick to your guns, ask yourself what's harder, keeping to your plan or ending the year the same way you started? Disappointment, whilst not the most powerful of words, can be one of the toughest feelings to experience. If you need to enlist the help of a friend or family member then do so, though it's important to remember that you are in charge of your life and no one will make you a priority as much as you would yourself. If you want something, only you can make it happen.

Sometimes I can get caught up in the bad things that happen in my day/life instead of focusing on the good. Whether it's relationships, health, money, career or family, most people tend not to have every box ticked. Remember that whilst you are admiring someone else's life, they could be looking at yours doing the same.  For this reason I have also decided to write down what I am thankful for on a daily basis to remind myself how lucky I am to have the things I do have instead of focusing on what I don't. Positivity breeds postivity and negativity only stands to bring you down whether it be your own thoughts or those around you. Start the day as you mean to go on, doing the best you can.

As I write this blog I am talking to myself as well as others. It is compiled with many common quotes which can seem a little cheesy but they also happen to be true in most instances. Yes some are easier said than done (there I go again) however, brace yourselves, anything worth doing is never easy! On that note, before I leave no motivational saying unturned, I shall wish you a happy new year and good luck in what ever it is you do:)

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